AUTOTEQ5G Replay: Embedded Technologies: Connecting and Improving Vehicles

Rivedi qui il video della sessione del 3 dicembre 2020 Con: Edoardo Calia, Deputy Director, LINKS Foundation Luca Rea, Responsabile Area Reti, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni Paolo Giuseppetti, Member, TSP Association – Head of Innovation & Telematics Service Platform, Vodafone Automotive Andrea Penza, Presidente Aict, society di Aeit, Associazione elettrotecnica italiana, e Presidente e a.d. Intratel

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AUTOTEQ5G Replay: Ecosystem and Industry Driving Factors

Rivedi qui il video della sessione internazionale del 2 dicembre 2020 Con Massimo Cavazzini, Business Development, Amazon Web Services Alain Dunoyer, Head of Autonomous Cars, SBD Automotive Gianluigi Ferri, creator AUTOTEQ5G & CEO, Innovability Evgeny Klochikhin, Founder & CEO, Sheeva, part of the Techstars – Smart Mobility Program Pierpaolo Marchese, Indipendent Consultant, Member of the […]

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IOTHINGS REPLAY: Smart Services for Smart Companies

Rivedi qui il video della sessione del 5 novembre 2020 Con: Gianluigi Ferri, CEO, Innovability e Creatore, IOTHINGS Federico Bianchi, Founder, Monica Franco, Vicepresidente, Assoretipmi Massimiliano Margarone, Founder, SPX Lab Gianluca De Candia, Responsabile Gestione Commerciale Leasing, Banca IFIS Andrea Gallo, Publisher, Paolo Magni, Senior Business Developer, EIT Digital Aldo Curinga, Presidente e […]

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IOTHINGS Replay: International Opening Talks

Rivedi qui il video della sessione “NEXT GENERATION EU: THE FIRST ACCELERATOR TOWARDS SOCIETY 5.0” del 8 ottobre 2020 Looking ahead: fostering innovation and the spread of disruptive technology Sessione a IOTHINGS, l’evento B2B dedicato alla trasformazione digitale delle cose, 8 ottobre 2020 Con: Franco Accordino, Head of Unit “Investment in High-Capacity Networks”, European Commission […]

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Rivedi qui il video della sessione del 29 ottobre 2020 Con: Gianluigi Ferri, Founder Innovability e creatore IOTHINGS Yesmean Luk, Senior Consultant, STL Partners Pierpaolo Marchese, Independent Consultant Filippo Cugini, Head of Research Area, CNIT – Project coordinator, BRAINE – Big data pRocessing and Artificial Intelligence at the Network Edge

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