Video intervista a Pierpaolo Russo
Managing Director di Ennova Industries
Continue ReadingIl nuovo hub digitale per la IoT Community italiana
Since 2002 Driving the Digital Transformation of Things
Managing Director di Ennova Industries
Continue ReadingDirector of imec Innovation Services & General Manager of IMEC Taiwan Valuable insights about the digital technology trends starting from IMEC history and the current innovation capabilities of the company. The interview covers several subjects, among them: Imaging and vision technologies in IoT and Health Tech Internet of Water The convergence of the emerging digital […]
Continue Readingby Salvatore Casale, membro AEIT e Professore dell’Università degli Studi di Catania Internet of Things (o Internet delle cose) è quell’insieme di tecnologie che portano intelligenza agli oggetti, facendo sì che questi comunichino con altri oggetti o con altri dispositivi. Con queste tecnologie miliardi di sensori incorporati in dispositivi di uso quotidiano sono progettati per […]
Continue ReadingWhether its organised cyber-criminals for whom the current health crisis has just broadened their attack landscape, or malevolent opportunistic hackers with time on their hands, there’s no doubting the rise in cyberattacks in recent weeks. by Dave Waterson, CEO, SentryBay Every day we are seeing reports of phishing and hacking attempts which have grown with […]
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